Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Something Amazing

Help has fallen from the sky. I'm talking to someone who might be able to give me access to more printers so that I can increase my productivity. I am happy, none the less, although help is not sealed down as of yet. I was hoping to print all of the pieces on the same 3D printer to prove that you can replicate a 3D printer using a 3D printer, to prove that printer-ception is possible. By the way, I've made a little bit of progress in between blogs and I've printed a part or two. I think that I'm going to wrap up this blog early so that I can add in a time log down below so you guys can see the total amount of time spent on this project.

Time Printing: 24hrs

Troubleshooting print time issues: 2hrs

Assembly: 0hrs

Transportation of parts: 8hrs

Time for parts to ship: 0hrs

Bill of materials: 2hrs

Time spent blogging: 5hrs

What I'm Aiming to Build

That's it. That's what I have to build. It's going to take a while, but that's it. I need parts. There's something like a thousand parts total. But there's only 150 parts that I need to print. I still need to do 96. It's a problem. December 18 is the beginning of Christmas break, and that's the deadline for at least 90 percent of the parts. This is a PAIN. I waaaaay underestimated the number of parts that I needed to print. "What needs to happen?" I hear you saying. Well, the fact is I need help with this. I've started a log of time in case the project fails. If it does, I'll be prepared. Hopefully, I'll get the help that I need with my project, or maybe Christmas break will be the end. Who knows? Maybe I will finish this printer. I want to finish it. I just don't know.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Second Post that Says the Same Thing as the Last

I still haven't made any progress to print parts. Our library got a new fancy 3D scanner and because of it everyone wants to print off their head. I'm going to have to wait for the hype around the scanner to die down. I'm seriously worried though. If I'm not allowed to print off more parts soon, I'm going to fail my project. This is a serious setback. It's also causing a whole bunch of stress, and I'm going to lose funding if I don't have the rest of the parts printed by Christmas break. That means the project won't be funded and I won't be able to buy any of the motors that I need to do the project. These are dire straits folks. I can't risk any other issues, or else this 'journey' will come to an end. I hope to finish more parts by next week though. I can't bear the thought of failing just because of people printing off heads.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Parts SUCK!

Currently, I am attempting to print of all the parts I need. Printing off parts from a 3D printer takes a LONG time. FOUR HOURS a piece. I've finished 10 parts out of over 50. I don't have access to the 3D printer every day, which is also a huge pain. I also can't print on weekends or overnight. Hopefully I will be able to make at least 5 more parts by next week. I won't have any funding until I finish printing off all the printed parts, which means no actual printer assembly until after Christmas break. I'm hoping to have the parts done before Christmas and I also hope to have the printer finished before the end of the year. However, with continual delays, I most likely will not finish the printer by the end of the year. Sadly. It sucks. I know. However, hopefully productivity will spike after I get the parts printed.