Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Something Amazing

Help has fallen from the sky. I'm talking to someone who might be able to give me access to more printers so that I can increase my productivity. I am happy, none the less, although help is not sealed down as of yet. I was hoping to print all of the pieces on the same 3D printer to prove that you can replicate a 3D printer using a 3D printer, to prove that printer-ception is possible. By the way, I've made a little bit of progress in between blogs and I've printed a part or two. I think that I'm going to wrap up this blog early so that I can add in a time log down below so you guys can see the total amount of time spent on this project.

Time Printing: 24hrs

Troubleshooting print time issues: 2hrs

Assembly: 0hrs

Transportation of parts: 8hrs

Time for parts to ship: 0hrs

Bill of materials: 2hrs

Time spent blogging: 5hrs

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