Wednesday, November 25, 2015

What I'm Aiming to Build

That's it. That's what I have to build. It's going to take a while, but that's it. I need parts. There's something like a thousand parts total. But there's only 150 parts that I need to print. I still need to do 96. It's a problem. December 18 is the beginning of Christmas break, and that's the deadline for at least 90 percent of the parts. This is a PAIN. I waaaaay underestimated the number of parts that I needed to print. "What needs to happen?" I hear you saying. Well, the fact is I need help with this. I've started a log of time in case the project fails. If it does, I'll be prepared. Hopefully, I'll get the help that I need with my project, or maybe Christmas break will be the end. Who knows? Maybe I will finish this printer. I want to finish it. I just don't know.

1 comment:

  1. This picture is awesome! I'm super excited about your project. Agree that there is definately some pain involved in getting all of your parts. I'm still hopeful that in a few months time we will all feel like the pain was worth it when you see results.
    I am actually really happy to see you begin to troubleshoot. This is a huge life skill that you will find exists for the rest of your life:) Do you have files that need to be printed that I can send elsewhere? I want to see this succeed!
